9 Ways to Improve Your Home Office for Better Productivity

The human mind may be a powerful tool, but even it cannot always withstand the constant stress from work. Sharp focus and a good work ethic create a more coherent personal and professional life; however, working in certain conditions like working from home in the middle of a pandemic, means maintaining this focus is difficult.

This means that in order to sustain a good work-life balance, you must take certain measures to ensure that your productivity is always at maximum efficiency. A home office is your work away from work. And in order to maintain quality, you need to create an environment for yourself where you can perform at top efficiency.

For this, adding some character and ambience to your home office is a must. For example, an artist may be inspired by a variety of art pieces covering the walls that surround them, whereas a writer may need to eliminate all distractions with a more minimalistic design. With that in mind, here are a few ways to give your home office the perfect professional makeover.

1.   Illuminate your workspace – and your mind

The importance of well-designed lighting in any space is often overlooked, but that does not make it any less significant. When trying to optimize any living space, lighting is a huge part of the transformation, which is why when it comes to spaces that stimulate our attention, good lighting will almost always improve your working experience.

Natural light is always great for working during the day; it allows you to feel less confined and boosts focus. However, if your home office doesn’t allow for much natural light, bright white tube lights or bulbs will do the job almost just as well. For people living in the northeast and central Ohio regions, Ohio Edison is an amazing service to take advantage of.

Most office work done from home is online, which means your screen time is notably increased. Good lighting in your office will reduce the strain on your eyes and allow for better performance and you won’t be forced to take too many breaks.

2.   Comfort is important

A home office is a place where you’ll have to spend most of your day, so making it comfy would definitely enhance your productivity. A lot of the time, exhaustion comes from physical strain. Having a chair that supports your back or a portable laptop instead of a PC may seem like somewhat insignificant tweaks to your work environment, but they’ll certainly make the experience more comfortable.

Adding comfort to your workspace will result in an improved quality of work by enhancing both your physical and mental health.

3.   Exploration without distractions

We all need something that inspires us, especially in work that require creativity. Naturally, inspiration comes from the things we love – whether it be a comic book or classical music, everyone has something that makes them want to make more productive use of their time. Explore your working options by surrounding yourself with things you love, even if it’s a coffee mug with your favorite quote or merchandise from your favorite TV show; however, there’s a fine line between inspiration and distraction. Divide your time and set some aside for brainstorming, this method is bound to give you some great ideas.

4.   Brain breaks are important

This goes without saying, but mental exhaustion is one of the worst things that happen when working in a confined space. Productivity does not mean working until you can’t function anymore – it’s born from the ability to make the most of your skillset. Taking a break can help you revitalize and prepare yourself for the next round. You can decide the intervals based on whatever suits you best, but research has shown that working in 90-minute intervals yields more productivity than longer periods of time.

Breaks can be utilized doing anything that relieves the pressure and stress of work. Rest your eyes, your back and your mind. As busy as you may be, recovering from a physical or creative burnout is much more difficult than making up for the time you may “lose” during breaks.

5.   Minimize distraction

While a domestic workspace may be designed as an office, it’s still a part of your home. In your personal living space, eliminating any and all forms of interruptions is a nearly impossible task, but you can take certain measures to minimize it.

If you have pets, either train them or confine them for a period of time when your focus needs to be laser-sharp. If you live near a construction site, noise-canceling headphones are an absolute must. If you have a child who wants your attention, make sure to have someone else care for them while you work. Taking measures like this will allow for better consistency in your work.

6.   Know your colors

As fun as color psychology is to learn about, its practical applications are highly effective. The colors that surround you can have a huge impact on your mood, so make sure to choose just the right ones for your home office. For example, yellow inspires creativity and warmth, while white represents cleanliness and simplicity. Use the colors in smart combinations according to your personal requirements.

Colors are a huge part of the interior design in any kind of indoor space. From the walls to the furniture, everything needs to come together in a way that is pleasant to look at yet maintains a positive impact on your overall mood and productivity.

7.   Aromatherapy

When you need your mind to function at peak efficiency, it is important to understand that all your senses contribute to it. Stimulating your sense of smell can supply you with instant energy, that is, if you know what scent to use. Using the right scent will boost your cognition, clear your head, and relax your mind, allowing for a better overall working experience.

There’s a reason that aromatherapy is used to improve general health and adding this to your work routine is a great way to ensure your physical and mental well-being. You can add this to your home office through diffusers with essential oils, or with scented candles.

8.   Stay organized

Untidiness is something that directly impacts productivity. Whether it’s your physical space that’s cluttered, or it’s your work style that’s haphazard, disorganization will hinder your performance. Lacking a plan can cost you precious time and physically and mentally tire you to the point of exhaustion.

There are several ways for you to improve concentration through structure; even things like furniture symmetry can have a huge impact on the subconscious mind. Make sure that you do a weekly or bi-weekly decluttering of your desk. Try to label everything, color-code it if possible, keep your space clean and know where everything is. This creates a sense of control and allows you to take charge, resulting in a more controlled workflow, and consequently, improved job performance.

9.   Don’t shut out the world

Working from home doesn’t have to mean cutting yourself off from the rest of the world. When designing your home office, adding a window for a source of fresh air or sunlight makes a world of a difference as far as your presence of mind and physical health go. It will help replenish the energy you lose to work and will keep you from getting lethargic.

In case you can’t let fresh air or sunlight into your home office, try to go outside during your breaks and take a walk. You will notice a visible difference in your energy, work ethic, and overall health.



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