Ransomware Threats The Computer System

Ransomware Threats

This is defined as a process in which the some unauthenticated users block the device of another user and denies him of the access of his own computer that is he is not able to access his own files and folders, the information in them. This is usually done in need of random money. The user is blackmailed that he would be allowed access only if he pays the desired amount of money to them. There can be several motives behind this attack like personal, blackmailing for money and other thefts and threats. The hacker thus makes sure that his identity is never exposed and keeps certain securities.

This virus, Ransomware can spread through e-mail attachments, software apps, infected storage devices and other infected files and folders. This virus gets inside the files and folders and deletes them. At times, it erases the data inside it and creates a whole new data instead. The newly formed data thus replaces the original data which isn’t even correct, this is how Ransomware harasses the user and devoid him of every access. This process is called data kidnapping. This from doesn’t depend on any interaction with the user and he can receive it without any warnings. Data kidnapping can affect other network devices as well because your email ID is connected to those.


This virus has an old operation which was first operated by Young and Yung at Columbia University. They designed such a form wherein the hacker puts up the desired amount of money and the user has to pay it in order to gain the access again to his files and folders.

After the user pays the money, the hacker send the encryption code to the user and the user can easily get his denied access back. But even after doing so, the identity of the hacker isn’t revealed to the user. Thus the user still remains unknown of the hacker.

There are more than 100 countries that have been infected by it. This has been adopted by the people who find it an easier way to make money rather than working somewhere out. This is done by the hackers who consider it an easy way of fooling the people around for money.

It is originally of various forms like encrypting, non-encrypting, leakware and mobile Ransomware.

Ransomware is a malware that infects the system’s files and folders by getting into them. It renders the system of all the important information. The files and folders besides being disrupted are duplicated and transformed. Many softwares have been made to save the computer system from such malwares. They have latest technology and detecting measures by which they can easily detect the virus inside. This allows the user to get rid of them before they occur. Thus it is an easy way by which the user can save his files and folders, moreover the data. Hence the user should be made aware about the consequences and various threats that the malware poses.

sam bawa

sam bawa

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